A case study of a 28-year-old female presented with a moderate traumatic brain (TBI) injury that was sustained during a motor vehicle accident. Her main complaints were fatigue, headache, and facial muscle paresis on the left side.
Examination revealed autonomic dysfunction with left sided brainstem dysfunction. Patient’s orthostatic vitals on the initial exam were as follows: Heart rate 48-105bpm and maintained at 90bpm for over one minute, blood pressure 100/60, oxygen saturation 97%.
Patient was initially seen three times a day for five days, then once a week for 4 weeks for neurological rehabilitation. She then began 20 hours of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2-3 times a week.
Treatment included tilt table therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, somatosensory integration, interactive metronome, neuronal sensory integration, red light/ near infrared therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and more.
At the re-examination, the patient reported resolution of daytime fatigue and headaches. She states she no longer needs to nap at lunch time. Facial muscle paresis was improved but still present when she is tired. Orthostatic vitals at the re-evaluation were as follows: heart rate 55-70 with an immediate return to 65bpm, blood pressure 120/78, oxygen saturation 99%.
Patient was given a regime of home therapies that included breathing exercises, eye movement therapies, and mild/moderate aerobic exercises in the morning.
Functional neurological care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of post-concussive syndrome. Every patient requires an individualized approach and targeted treatment to achieve optimal results. Please contact us for more information.