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Case Study: Autonomic Dysfunction and Mold Toxicity: Adult Female


An adult female presented with autonomic dysfunction following exposure to toxic mold. Her chief complaints were extreme fatigue, tachycardia, pre-syncope, dizziness, anxiety and weakness in her legs.

Examination and Diagnosis

A neurological examination revealed ponto-medullary dysfunction and euthyroid hashimotos.


The patient was initially treated 2x per week for 30 minutes over 6 consecutive weeks. Visits included tilt table therapy, BEMER therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, neuromodulation to the hypoglossal and trigeminal nerves, and red/ NIR light therapy. In addition, the patient completed 10 hours of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy over a 4-week period.

While undergoing treatment the patient began an at home regimen of individualized supplementation and an autoimmune paleo diet.


The patient has seen improvements in all symptoms. She went from napping every day to no longer needing a nap. She is able to take walks without tachycardia and dizziness. After 3 weeks of treatment she was able to drive herself to appointments.

After the treatment plan was completed the patient continued a maintenance plan of supplementation and continued with dietary changes at home. The patient was prescribed at home exercises in the form of eye movement therapy, vagal nerve exercises, diaphragmatic breathing exercises, red/NIR light therapy, and stress management exercises.

The patient will be seen in one month for a follow up examination.


Functional neurological care has been shown to be effective in the treatment of autonomic dysfunction. Please visit our Dysautonomia Program webpage for more information.

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